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BBN steel group's annual induction meeting and birthday party in August

BBN steel group's annual induction meeting and birthday party in August
Sep 03, 2022 page view:44

BBN steel

On August 31, 2022, BBN steel group held its August entry anniversary meeting and birthday party.

Seven colleagues join BBN steel on August. And there are 12 birthday stars this month. One family, one dream, one blessing, one thanksgiving. This month, birthday stars expressed their birthday speeches and their own sharing of daily work, released their love with joy, and thanked the enterprise with laughter. Although we can't stop the passage of time, we can create more wonderful stories and memories during this time in BBN steel.BBN steelBBN steel

The best way of life is to run along the dream road with a group of people with similar goal. When August ends, let's rush to the beautiful September!BBN steel


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